Tuesday, April 23, 2013

A cliff : Feature of coastal erosion: JC ANSWER

Sample Question: Name a feature/ landform created by sea/coastal erosion and explain how it was formed.

A feature I have studied which was formed by coastal erosion is a Cliff.

As the waves crash against the rock by hydraulic action, which is the force of the water, a notch is formed at the base.

This notch gets bigger due to hydraulic action continuing and by the work of abrasion and attrition.
Abrasion is when the load carried by the waves scratch against the rock and sea bed. Attrition is when rocks hit off each other and the rock to break it down.

As the notch gets bigger an overhang develops. This overhang is unsupported and eventually collapses due to its weight

A steep vertical slope will remain and this is called a cliff E.g. The Cliffs of Moher.

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